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About Us

Hi everyone,

Thank you for coming on this exciting journey with me Over a Cuppa Tea!
Some of you may know me as Múinteoir N where it all started back in 2017. Since then, my educational influence has taken on many legs. I am currently working as a middle leader in my primary school in Dubai, working as Head of Year 1 and class teacher 

My recent years of experience in educational leadership and experience of education in an international setting as well as in Ireland, coupled with my love for fashion, travel and of course talking about anything and everything over a cuppa tea, have all inspired this new venture. I have many passions and have lots to share, so I want to keep everything in one place for you to dip in and out of, while you are relaxing and having your favourite drink, even if it isn't tea! 

This space is for you. I hope you take something from it; knowledge, teaching tips, fashion advice, travel ideas or a little giggle over a podcast episode. 

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